

1. The club shall be known as WEYMOUTH RC. Hereinafter referred to as the WRC. 

2. The aims and objectives of the WRC are to provide a safe racing site for a group of people to race model cars on a regular weekly basis and to provide a minimum set of rules to ensure safe racing, protection of the venue and enjoyment for all. 

3. The day to day administration of the club shall be run by four executive committee members. These being the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. The four executive posts will be formally elected each year at the AGM. 

The full membership shall have the right to accept, reject or expel members on a simple majority vote. There will be an annual general meeting held in November or December for the membership to hear the clubs reports, elect officers, put forward suggerstions and any other business. 

The committee may also call an extraordinary meeting at any other time of their choosing. The club year runs from January 1st. through to December 31st. There is a reducing scale of fees for new members joining mid season. Details are as shown on the current application form. There is reduced fee for junior members. 

4. The WRC shall hold a current account. Any cheques may be signed by any 2 of the current committee. The treasurer must provide a statement of accounts which is available to all members at the AGM. 

5. In the event of the dissolution of the WRC, any assets remaining will be given to a charity. The Executive reserves the right to make a reasonable extra charge on all members during a year to cover unforeseen expenses agreed at an extraordinary meeting of the whole membership. In the event of any liabilities (at dissolution) exceeding club funds, then all present members will have to pay an equal share to cover any and all debts. The club committee shall not incur any debts exceeding their share.

6. The constitution may only be changed at an extraordinary meeting or an AGM by a 75% majority vote of those present which must include at least one committee member, a minimum of five members must be present. Any member of the club may present to the membership a point for discussion at a proposed meeting of the club.

7. Club subscription rates shall be subject to an annual review with due regard to the Treasurer’s report, and the actual level decided at the AGM.

8. Each member will take out insurance/membership with the BRCA, either by WRC being the members lead club and using WRC affiliation to supply BRCA insurance/membership or by joining BRCA through another club and supplying proof of membership or by joining BRCA independently and supplying proof of membership. Supplying proof of BRCA membership requires that a copy of the members new BRCA insurance/membership certificate be supplied to the appropriate committee member. Alternative insurance cannot be accepted unless there are special circumstances and it is agreed by the committee in advance. (BRCA affiliation requires that all WRC members are BRCA members.) Membership will terminate if not renewed by 31st Dec, year end. Membership can only be renewed with current insurance, signed application form and fees payable.

9. The executive committee has the power to co-opt other members as and when required. The WRC accepts no liability for individual members actions or liabilities. It is expected that all members will take an equal share of non-executive other work necessary for the smooth running of the club.