Club Rules & Driver Etiquette
These rules are intended to ensure the smooth running of the club, the health and safety of its members, to enhance everyone’s enjoyment and above all to create an equal opportunity for all.
General Rules
All persons attending the club are expected to respect and maintain the rights, feelings and property of all other persons attending. All persons attending the club are expected to respect and maintain the race venue and all property belonging to it. All equipment that belongs to the venue, and not the club, must not be used without prior consent from the organisers.
New drivers are allowed to race for a maximum of 3 meetings (and will be covered under the club’s BRCA insurance during those races), after which they will be required to join the BRCA (see above).
Details of rates can be found on the membership form.
Bad language and bad behaviour will not be tolerated.
Please make sure you take ALL your litter home with you. Smoking in any part of the hall is Strictly forbidden.
Remember we need to protect our venue and ‘strictly follow’ the simple rules laid out by our landlords.
A First Aid kit and fire extinguisher can be located via the race controller. It would be helpful if anyone qualified in First Aid could make this known to the club chairman.
Arrival and Race Entry
We have a large car park in front of the hall but please make sure that you are parked sensibly and not blocking anyones exit.
All drivers are expected to help with setting up and/or clearing away of the track and other race equipment as appropriate. If you are unable to do help, due to health reasons etc, then please advise race control beforehand.
Race entry should be done as promptly as possible to allow the race organiser to make up the races. You will be given one call for last minute registrations.
Although not a requirement it would be VERY helpful to pre book if you intend to race at a club meeting but have not raced with us for some while. This will help Race Control to input your details before arrival.
Be sure your car has the correct transponder fitted.
Race duration is 6 minutes. Be ready for your race before it is due to start. There will be a minimum of 2 minutes between each race. This is to allow enough time for the racers to pit their cars, ensure their radios are turned off and get out to marshal. One call only may be made for cars that are not on the line when they should be as holding up a race delays the whole event and means that cars on the line could over heat or use up valuable battery power while waiting. Drive to your ability. Drivers must take responsibility for the speed at which they drive and the power of motor they use. It is an individuals responsibility to make sure they do not cause damage or injury to persons due to neglecting their responsibility If a faster driver is coming up to lap you pull over off the racing line to let them through If you are lapping someone let them know and wait until they pull over. DO NOT bash them out of the way. Penalties will be given for bad driving only after a warning has been given. YOU ARE RACING THE CLOCK NOT EACH OTHER. The track is there for a reason to show you where to go, so don’t cut across corners it is not quicker especially if you get caught and penalties are applied. You also run the risk of pushing the track out of shape to the detriment of all the other racers. Car retrieval should only be done by the marshals and any repairs must be done off the race track. Once the race is completed you have a maximum of 30 seconds to switch off your transmitters, cars etc. This rule clarifies who has control of a frequency between races.
DO NOT SHOUT at the marshal, it’s your fault you need him, not his.
Everyone is expected to marshal after their race. Repairs and adjustments should be done after you have marshalled and not after you have raced.
Marshal as you would want to be marshalled, but be aware of your own safety.
Make sure you put the car down on the part of the track at which it left, facing the correct way and not directly in front of another oncoming car.
If you are racing in multiple races you are responsible for finding someone who can marshal for you while you are unable to.
If you do not marshal you will loose your fastest lap time.
If you constantly miss your marshalling slot you may be excluded from racing.
Once racing is over
All drivers are expected to help with clearing away of the track and other race equipment as appropriate, unless there is a good reason. Again, if you are continuously unhelpful you could be excluded from racing. Make sure you pick up everything and the venue is left as you found it.
Results will be posted on the web site on a weekly basis. You can check these out on the Race Results page.